Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Wordy Return

My, but I've--once again!--fallen off the blogging bandwagon in a major way.  Insert an audio clip of Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes saying,"Quelle suprise..." here.  (Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, the second Sherlock Holmes movie, about twenty minutes into the film...in case you really wanted to know.)  After my most recent post in August, I really have no better excuse for not having written again than a simple lack of inspiration...as lame as that sounds, as lame as that is.  But I can recap easily enough, and move on. :)

August through mid-November held the usual fun that comes with the transition of summer to fall, which I shall attempt to summarize.  In August, we celebrated Mr. Darcy's birthday with the family, helped my bff Jenn and her husband move into a new place (all right, I supervised that process...and transported a few bags and helped do some clean-up here and there).  September is somewhat of a blur to me...I will probably remember something important that happened in that month and later be embarrassed that I forgot it.  Ah well, that's what the edit button is for, right?  

Cinderella's Pumpkin Coach, another Cait and Mr. Darcy pumpkin-carving collaboration

October was when things got more eventful and fun.  There was my sister's birthday celebration with the family, the return of lovely autumn weather and hot apple cider, a Nor'Easter/hurricane that blew through town and mostly just dumped a bunch of rain on us, the annual Sunday school group's pumpkins carving party, and a fun Halloween costume party with friends that included Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory, Gretel the witch-hunter, and yours truly as a pregnant Victoria Beckham.  I wasn't about to dress up as a person holding a beach ball, come on. ;) 

Loved this movie.  Oh, and this image is not mine; I'm just borrowing it from Google Image Search.

November held my birthday, when Mr. Darcy took me to see the absolutely fantastic newest James Bond film, Skyfall.  It is, without a doubt, my favorite Bond movie yet.  Bond films are an absolute must-see-in-the-theater! for me, and for that one, we went twice.  

At the end of the month was Thanksgiving, which we spent with both Mr. Darcy's family and mine--I will never be heard complaining about two holiday dinners, believe you me.  It was a grand time.  Then, the day after Thanksgiving, we traveled to Williamsburg to be a part of the wedding weekend of Mr. Darcy's cousin and his lovely bride.  The wedding was beautiful, and the whole weekend was a fabulous mini-vacation: full of great food, sight-seeing, visiting with our loved ones, and dancing the night away.  Yes, I did, at eight months pregnant, and in heels.  They were sky-high, too, so I feel like I'm perhaps just a teensy bit entitled to some bragging rights, ha-ha.  :P  I almost managed to get down low, all the way to the floor...literally...during the electric slide, though, and had to be rescued by Mr. Darcy's sister.  After that, I decided to get my groove on a little more cautiously, so as to avoid any further embarrassment than I had already subjected myself to.  Lesson learned!  

I have this little 'welcome' banner posted on the nursery door now.  

December brought the beginning of a baby-boom of sorts at our church; two of the little ones belong to our group of friends, which is surreal.  People of my age group, having children!  We must be finally doing that mythical "growing up" thing.  ;P  On December 10th, Jenn and her mother gave me the loveliest baby shower; it had a beautiful and very girly pink Nutcracker ballet theme, and it was perfect.  Lil' Princess received many sweet, thoughtful gifts, and the influx of pink began at our house.  I found my love of that particular color rekindled, starting then. 

The rest of the month went by swiftly, with a fun maternity photo session done for me by Jenn, and preparations for Christmas and the baby's arrival climbed towards a fever pitch.  I spent the better part of the month at my parents' home, as we were in the "any day now!" window for the stork to pay us a visit.  Christmas was wonderful, as always; we had our hearts refreshed by reminders of the heavenly Gift that we have been given, and were surrounded by such bountiful blessings, in every way.

A Beauty and the Beast inspired trinket for baby's room, made from a mantelpiece clock from the thrift store, a silk rose, some transparent thread, a pair of buttons, and hot glue.  I'd like to post a tutorial of this project sometime...it was fun!

In the days after Christmas, the baby countdown began in earnest.  Lil' Princess was due to arrive on the 30th, we had been informed, and so we were very much hoping that she would make a punctual entrance into this world.  There was talk of the possibility of induction at the doctor's visits, but I clung to the hope that Baby wouldn't be late.  I remained at my parents' home while Mr. Darcy returned to the town where we live and he works, and my mom and I went out almost every day for the next few days so that I could walk and--we hoped--convince my little one to get a move on.  But nothing seemed to be changing yet.  She was positioned head-down and turned to the left, the doctor told me, but nothing else had really developed...

And then I had The Doctor's Appointment.  Yes, as I have no doubt that you have guessed, the capital letters mean something significant.  But I shall devote that story to a post of its own.  For now...I'm back, blogosphere!

À bientôt!


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