Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keeping Busy

Well, Mr. Darcy has a new job, and so we have relocated.  Our new home is still somewhat in boxes, but with a lot of help from both sets of our wonderful parents and siblings, and a lot of help and time from our dear friends, we have managed to get settled in quite nicely.

The new place has a lot more space than our last apartment...and it has so much room for storage, which has been lovely.  I now have places to put away all of my various kitchen machinery, dishes, and various odds and ends.  That is a major blessing and relief!  The area where we are living is infinitely quieter than our first apartment.  There are no neighbors above us who decide to vacuum their floors at random late hours of the night or to pick up the habit of what sounds like Irish river-dancing in their kitchen.  And as for the neighbors down the road?  I suppose you could call them fairly quiet as well.  They're similar to the neighbors that my parents have in their backyard...they mostly just stand around all day, swishing their tails and nonchalantly chewing their cud.  ;)  It's a fine set-up indeed.

So that gives you an update of where I and my Prince Charming have been for the past few weeks...and that "where" is pretty much all over the place, to be quite honest.  I'm looking forward to getting back to the various projects that I've been wanting to tackle and being able to work on cooking in my very own kitchen again.  I'm determined to try and make French onion soup in the next few weeks!

In the meantime, I believe that I promised to write for you a review on the new illuminating concealer pen that I recently purchased.  And here it is now.

Maybelline is a brand of makeup that I usually turn to for a random product every once in a while.  They--like CoverGirl and even L'Oreal, to an extent--have been majorly revamping their line in recent times, and it's been all to great success, I've found.  One of their newest products is their Dream Lumi Touch Illuminating Concealer pen, which I purchased from Target about a month ago.  As its name describes, the product is packaged in a neat, mess-free pen with a brush tip.  It takes several twists--and by "several", I mean upwards of 10-15 twists, at least--to push the concealer up into the brush, but once it's there, you won't have a problem dispensing the product from the brush.

I have very fair skin that has pink undertones and tends to be quite dry.  This concealer is well-pigmented and creamy, so it merges with the skin well and doesn't settle into pores or dry up too quickly as it's applied.  The luminous nature of the concealer isn't at all sparkly or overly shiny.  It simply gives you a nice, natural, dewy glow--and when I applied it on the slight darkness that I get underneath my eyes, it virtually erased those shadows.  It also works well on the rest of the face: around the nose, the Cupid's bow of the lip, the bridge of the nose and T-zone of the forehead.  It can certainly be used to cover up any unevenness or blemishes on the skin, so you don't have to restrict its use to the eye area alone, which I really love.

According to the Maybelline website, there are only three shades of this concealer available, but I seem to remember there being four when I purchased my concealer pen.  In any case, I chose the very lightest shade available for myself, because I like to use a concealer shade that is a bit lighter than my natural skin tone for when I want to correct darkness and illuminate areas of my face.  This is a really great product that I plan on keeping in my makeup box for as long as they have it available in the Maybelline line.  After having tried on a friend's Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat highlighting concealer pen, I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but the price of it is too high for my budget.  Imagine my delight, then, when I discovered that my new Maybelline concealer pen had comparable results on my skin!  I'd certainly love to buy the Yves Saint Laurent product still, but for now, I'm happy to have a less-costly and yet effective and pretty product from the drugstore to use.

Next post, coming soon--a Memorial Day outfit and other shenanigans!

À bientôt!


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